economy and politics

Cetes reach their highest yield in at least 22 years

Cetes reach their highest yield in at least 22 years

“Since last week’s auction of government securities, the instruments began to anticipate a very likely hike in Banxico’s interest rates for its February meeting,” Intercam said in a report.

Analysts expect Banco de México to raise interest rates by 25 basis points next February as a measure to contain inflation. The inflation data for the first half of January, which was 7.94%, something that according to Banxico’s deputy governor, Jonathan Heath, gives “a lot” to worry about.

Cetes were first issued in January 1978 and are the oldest public debt instrument issued by the federal government.

When sr government debt, they are considered as a safe instrument.

Mexicans can invest from 100 pesos and it is possible to know the return that the investment will have because the interest rate is fixed.

How to invest in Cetes?

To invest in these instruments, you can go to the page of Cetesdirecto you only need your CURP, RFC, address, a debit account and register your beneficiaries of legal age.

Once you created your account, you choose an amount you want to invest, you can also schedule deposits on the 1st and 15th of each month.

One of the advantages of these investments is that they do not charge you any commission.

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