economy and politics

Celebrating 50 years of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and Spain


From the Ateneo de Madrid a pleasure to moderate the round table, “50 years of Relations #Spain#China” directed by Enrique Fanjulin which we have been able to reflect on how the future of these relationships is shaping up through the interventions of referents with direct experience of the subject.

Laura González Escallada is the founder and president of Ni Hao Conecta.

An honor to have Georgina HIGUERAS AND RUMBAO journalist specializing in #Asiavice president of chinese chair and director of the Asia Forum in the Forum of Forums Foundation to reflect on the geopolitical framework of Spain-China relations and open a debate on the future of relations Relations #European Union#China and with Javier Serra Guevara Former Economic and Commercial Counselor at the Spanish Embassy in Beijing and General Director of Institutional Cooperation and Coordination of ICEX to learn more about the role of the Spanish company in China and future prospects in a scenario in which China has become the leading supplier of Spain in the world and Spanish exports have fallen by 8% in 2022.


To get a closer look at the behaviors and trends of #investments and #companies Chinese in Spain we have had Estela Li 李娅 president of China Club Spain – Talent Center 西班牙中国会人才中心 and manager of the China Practice in KPMG Spainwho has also opened a debate on the positioning of Spain as a platform towards #Latin America.

Finally, it is always a pleasure to share reflections with Lisa Wangfounding member of Link the World Advisers and member of the IE China Center Advisory Board, to discuss cultural and educational exchanges as levers to boost economy and business and the great opportunity for Spain at the opening of the #ChineseTourism.

Once again, thanks to #Xinhuaofficial news agency of the Government of the People’s Republic of China for accompanying us and disseminating our activities, to the Association for the Study of Oriental Cultures GAMAN, Among the attendees, special mention to Marcelo MunozPresident Emeritus in chinese chair and Dean of Spanish businessmen in China and Andy Florescorrespondent for CGTN in #Argentina.

Today is a day to celebrate, congratulations to all the entities for the continuous effort to strengthen the ties between both nations. IBERGLOBAL INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING SL, Chinese Chair, NHC CONNECTS, Center for Chinese Tourism Studies, #TO ACCESS China Club Spain – Talent Center 西班牙中国会人才中心 ICEX.

She is the founder of NI HAO CONECTA 世界, a business development and public relations platform between China, Spain and Latin America. She is co-author of “History of the Friendly Relations between China and Spain” (CEU SAN PABLO – GANSU). In addition, she is a member of the China Chair Senior Cloister, and integrates the Advisory and Academic Council of the Chinese Tourism Studies Center of Cestur has a Master’s Degree in of Shanghai University of International Studies.

NI HAO CONECTA 世界 is the link and speaker of reference for Chinese and Ibero-American businessmen with the aim of giving voice and visibility to all those professionals linked to business development and international relations in the triangulation of relations between the three regions.

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