Aug. 2 () –
CaixaBank announced on Friday that it has already executed 1.98% of the buyback programme it launched on 31 July, which has a total value of 500 million euros.
Between July 31 and August 1, the bank bought back 1.86 million shares at an average price of 5.3 euros. The value of these acquisitions amounted to 9.8 million euros.
The program was announced on July 11 with the intention of launching it sometime after the 31st of the same month, after the presentation of the entity’s results.
At that time, CaixaBank explained that the maximum number of shares to be acquired in this programme will depend on the average price at which the purchases take place. In any case, the shares to be repurchased may not exceed 10% of the bank’s share capital when the bank’s treasury shares are added together.
Goldman Sachs is responsible for managing the execution of the program and will make its own decisions regarding the timing of purchases, independently of the company and always in accordance with current legislation.
CaixaBank indicated, however, that no more than 25% of the average daily volume of shares may be purchased on any one day at the trading venue where the purchase is made, with the average daily volume of each venue being that corresponding to the 20 trading days prior to the date of each acquisition.
Purchases are being made on the Spanish Stock Exchange Interconnection System (Mercado Continuo), as well as on DXE Europe, Turquoise Europe and Aquis Exchange.
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