
Bukele registers his candidacy for the 2024 presidential elections

Despite the indications that it would be an “unconstitutional” process, the president of El Salvador Nayib Bukele registered his candidacy on June 26 in search of re-election in the 2024 elections. An option enabled by the judicial branch, but that various articles of the country’s Constitution prohibit it.

First modification:

Nine months after having expressed his desire to remain in power, Nayib Bukele takes another step towards his goal of achieving re-election in El Salvador.

This was confirmed on June 26 by the ruling party Nuevas Ideas (NI) on its Twitter account.

“We inform the Salvadoran people that President Nayib Bukele and Vice President Félix Ulloa are already registered as pre-candidates for President and Vice President of the Republic of El Salvador, in the largest party in the history” of the country, the president’s bench said.

Despite criticism of “unconstitutionality”, since several articles of the Magna Carta indicate that the person who has held the Presidency will not be able to “continue in his functions not one more day”, Bukele is protected by a resolution achieved during his Administration.

This measure modified the old law that disqualified leaders from continuing in power for two consecutive terms.

The decision was made by judges who were elected in processes designated as “irregular” in the Legislative Assembly, because they dismissed the previous constitutionalist magistrates.

Prior to this change, any president had to wait ten years before running in any re-election bid.

Even Bukele himself was one of the defenders of the idea that a president should not remain in power for consecutive periods.

ANDn 2013, six years before reaching the Executivethe now president defended publicly in a Nicaraguan media that “no president of El Salvador could be re-elected to ensure that no one person remains in power.”

“The Constitution does not allow the same person to be president twice in a row. He can be president 80 times if he wants, but not in a row,” he remarked. Nayib Bukele in the televised interview, when he was the mayor of Nuevo Cuscatlán.

However, with the Supreme Court resolution in 2021, any head of state in El Salvador can now request a six-month license before the start of the presidential term.

An authorization that, in the case of Bukele, would force him to govern only the first six months of his fifth year, so should step down from the Presidency in January 2024.

Although the head of state is highly popular among the Salvadoran population, since September 2021 there have been nearly ten marches in which citizens have accused the Executive of corruption, human rights violations, repression of freedom, and abuse of can.

A scenario that contrasts with the surveys compiled by different media, including the AFP agency, which show that nine out of ten Salvadorans approve of Bukele’s management. His supporters argue that the political leader has returned safety to the streets after declaring “war” on criminal gangs last year.

International rejection and local popularity

Nayib Bukele has been on the front pages of the media in several countries due to his controversial decisions and strict measures that he has implemented since he took office in June 2019.

Among the most remembered is the approval of Bitcoin cryptocurrency adoption as legal tender. Also its so-called “war against gangs”, under which the authorities have carried out more than 52,500 arrests of men designated as criminals.

But the United Nations indicates that under this security policy, nearly 6,500 complaints of violations of human rights have been registered.

Link © France 24

All framed in an exceptional regime that, according to various civil organizations, suspends fundamental rights for Salvadorans and that has been renewed since March without opposition from the Legislature, since the party led by Bukele has an absolute majority.

However, many of those who chose it defend and justify their much-criticized methods, pointing out that they are the means that the country needed to solve several of its internal problems.

Today, after announcing the registration of his candidacy, comments and publications in support of the president’s management are extended. Many of his supporters say they will back him in his quest to win a second presidential term.

With AFP, AP and EFE

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