Science and Tech

Brussels includes Tiktok, Twitter and Google in the twenty platforms that must report on their algorithms


The European Commission has published this Tuesday the list of 19 large digital platforms, including Tiktok, Twitter, Amazon, Facebook and Google, which must report with greater transparency on the algorithmic systems they apply and comply with the rest of the new European Union regulations. to strengthen control over digital services.

“The raison d’ĂȘtre of the new rules is to guarantee that technology is at the service of the society in which we live and not the other way around,” warned the vice president of the Community Executive responsible for Competition, Margrethe Vestager, in a statement to present the List of covered entities.

The European Law on Digital Services will bring “transparency” and “significant accountability” to both platforms and search engines, while making it easier for consumers to have “greater control” over their online activity, highlighted the community vice president

To do this, the community services have identified the 17 platforms and two “very large” search engines, that is, with more than 45 million monthly active users, who now have a period of four months to comply with the obligations established by the new community legislation.

The objective, says Brussels, is to protect and give more power to Internet users -also to minors_ so that it is the designated services themselves who “evaluate and mitigate systemic risks and offer solid content moderation tools”.

Designated companies are Alibaba AliExpress, Amazon Store, Apple AppStore,, Facebook, Google Play, Google Maps, Google Shopping, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube and Zalando. As search engines only Bing and Google Search have been included.

Due to the new rules, these entities must clearly inform users of the reason for which certain information is recommended and they may unsubscribe from the systems that are created when creating a profile.

Users will also be able to easily report illegal content and platforms will have to process their reports diligently. While ads that are based on sensitive user data such as their ethnic origin or political opinions may not appear.

Another of the keys is the protection of minors with demands such as that platforms must adapt the design of their systems to guarantee a high level of privacy, protection and safety of minors, while personalized and/or profile-based advertising is prohibited. for minors

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