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Second Vice President and Minister of Labor Yolanda Díaz (c) speaks at the government control session held this Wednesday in Congress.

Yolanda Díaz criticises Tellado for “machismo and paternalism” and defends the Government’s rights model against the PP’s cuts

“I see that the President of the Government has her very much in a corner and I want to give her a little bit of prominence.” “Sanchez has bought her silence with an official car that takes her all over Spain.” These are some of the recriminations that the spokesman for the Popular Party in the Congress of Deputies, Miguel Tellado, directed during the control session of the Government to the Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labour, Yolanda Díaz. “Does it really pay for her to join Mr. Pedro Sánchez’s anything goes?” he added, referring to the judicial investigation of Begoña Gómez.

Díaz has responded to Tellado’s statements with a defence of the Executive’s management and has reproached him for his “sexist tone”: “Mr. Tellado, we always learn a lot from your interventions and today you have added the sexist and paternalistic tone.” The vice president has criticised the PP’s model of government, based on “cuts and the suffering of citizens”, contrasting it with what she claims is the model of the Government, focused on “winning rights and improving the lives of workers.”

Díaz reminded the popular spokesman that his model reached “the ineffable figure of 6,278,000 unemployed”, compared to the improvement of the minimum interprofessional salary and the decrease in the number of unemployed people. He also spoke about the increase in pensions and the regularization of migrants. “In contrast to your frigates, we are a model of rights. We, with the Constitution, continue to gain rights. You, with the Spanish frigates,” he concluded.

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