
Borrell will have the Middle East, Sudan and the Balkans on his agenda next week at the UN General Assembly

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Vice-President of the Commission, Josep Borrell, during a press conference

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Vice-President of the Commission, Josep Borrell, during a press conference – Diego Radamés – Europa Press

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BRUSSELS, September 20 () –

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, will hold high-level meetings on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly next week, with peace in the Middle East, the crisis in Sudan and relations with the Balkans on his agenda.

The highlight of the week will be on Thursday, when he will co-chair a ministerial meeting of the Middle East Peace Process with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the Arab League.

Together with key partners for the region such as Norway, the EU is seeking to involve all actors “who can contribute to achieving a ceasefire,” Borrell recently explained about the initiative that seeks to preserve the peace process so that the situation “is more stable and avoids the cycle of violence.”

In any case, this will be just one of many meetings that Borrell will have next week in New York, as the traditional informal meeting with foreign ministers of the bloc will continue on Monday. A meeting of G7 foreign ministers is also planned that day, with his participation.

He will also address the UN Security Council with messages on the situation in Ukraine and Gaza, and will have bilateral talks with UN Secretary General António Guterres.

On Wednesday, he has another forum that is customary during the week of the UN General Assembly: the working lunch with the Balkan partners. On that day, the head of European diplomacy will represent the EU at the ministerial meeting of the Brazilian presidency of the G20. Also on Wednesday, he will attend the meeting organised by Germany and France on the situation in Sudan.

On Thursday morning, the foreign ministers of the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) will meet for a meeting aimed at continuing the cooperation from the summit held in Brussels last summer within the framework of the Spanish presidency of the Council.

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