
Borrell says that this is not the time to talk about peace, but to “support the war militarily”

Borrell says that this is not the time to talk about peace, but to "support the war militarily"

Josep BorrellHigh Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs, stated this Friday in Florence that “this is not the time” to maintain “diplomatic peace talks“and has asked to maintain military support for Ukraine. In this sense, he stressed that the only valid proposal in this field is that of the president of Ukraine Volodimir Zelensky.

“Unfortunately, this is not the time for diplomatic talks about peace, it is time to support militarily in the warBorrell said during his speech at the “State of the Union” forum in the Italian city of Florence.

The diplomat valued the rapprochement of China after the call between its leader Xi Jinping and Zelenskybut stressed that the peace plan announced by the Asian country is, in reality, a “list of wise considerations”, and pointed out that the only firm proposal is that of Ukraine, hardly acceptable to Russia, since still has “military objectives”.

[Bruselas destinará 500 millones para relanzar la fabricación de munición en la Unión Europea]

It will not be accepted by Russia. The reality is that Putin has said that he still has military objectives and as long as he does not achieve them will continue to fight“, he indicated. Borrell did not mention other mediation proposals, such as the recent one announced by the Vatican, which Moscow and kyiv deny, or that of the Brazilian Lula da Silvaand defended the European and transatlantic position to continue sending arms to Ukraine.

“The peace plans are excellent, but a part does not want to talk“He warned from the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, before an audience that also included the European Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, and other European leaders.

It is not the first time that Borrell has made statements in warmongering tone. In fact, last week the head of community diplomacy already dedicated his interventions in the Eurochamber to publicly contradict Macron and ask that the European navies “patrol the Taiwan Strait“.

The French president had said just before that the EU must not be dragged down by the United States to a direct clash with China over Taiwan in a crisis “that is not ours”.

“Language of Power”

According to Borrell, Putin’s big mistake has been to believe that his invasion of Ukraine would bring the allies closer, instead of uniting it more, as has happened: “Transatlantic relations have never been as strong as they are today,” he said, referring to also US President Joe Biden. “Maybe with Trump things would have been different“, has added.

“If we did not support Ukraine, it would fall in a matter of days. We have no choice,” he asserted, recalling that in addition to defensive support, Europe reacted by imposing sanctions whose effect is not instantaneous: “They are like a diet, you will not lose 30 kilos in a week“.

Despite valuing the understanding with the US, Borrell claimed greater autonomy for Europe in the international arena and occupying its own place in the face of the consolidation of new powers such as China. In this way, he recoils from his statements on Taiwan last week.

“We Europeans have to learn to use the language of power. In the triangle we are closer to Washington, but we must find our way to deal with china“.

One of the priorities of his office will be, for this year, prepare a report that concretizes your vision of Chinawhich he doubted could be a rival for the integrity of nations and the security of Europeans.

I don’t think we should go against Chinawhich is going to become a great power”, he stressed before claiming that in the face of powers like the US and India, the European Union is not a state and needs to establish tools to make “faster” decisions.

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