Science and Tech

Blizzbrush, the revolutionary dental sponge that replaces the toothbrush (video)

Blizzbrush, the revolutionary dental sponge that replaces the toothbrush (video)

No, it’s not about sticking a scrub sponge in your teeth. It’s much more advanced and scientific than that…

Toothbrushes have been around for decades, and have hardly changed since then. It is true that we now have electric brushes, although their mechanics of use are the same.

We can only buy brushes with generic shapes, but the reality is that everyone’s teeth are unique in size, shape, separation and angles. So there are areas where the brush does not reach, and that favors the appearance of cavities, and other dental problems. Brushes barely cover 70% of our mouth.

Blizzbrush 5 is a dental sponge that wants to replace the toothbrushwith two very attractive hooks: cleans 100% of the dental surfaceincluding the tongue and gums, and it only requires 10 seconds. In this video you can see how it works:

As we can see, although it looks like a cover for the teeth, it is actually an antimicrobial silicone sponge.

This sponge has the shape of the denture, and in the place where the teeth are placed there are bristles that serve to clean.

Simply you have to put it on your teeth, with a little toothpasteand move the lips and mouth in circles, or up and down, to let the sponge do its job.

The advantage is that it covers 100% of the teeth, and also cleans all of them, including the tongue and gums, at the same time. That’s why it only takes 10 seconds of cleaning.

Medical evidence corroborated by a dentist certifies that the dental sponge is more effective than the toothbrush.

In addition to covering more clearing area and being faster, Blizzbrish has other benefits. Unlike toothbrushes, which cannot be recycled because they have tiny metal parts that hold the bristles, This dental sponge has no electronic components, does not consume energy and is 100% recyclable.

Being made of antimicrobial silicone, it is easily washed under running water, and It is reusable for three months.

If you’re interested, they sell them. in his web pagebut they are not cheap: two sponges cost almost 50 euros.

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