
Bishops of Central America call for a day of prayer for the “challenging” situation of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua

( Spanish) – The bishops of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama, members of the Episcopal Secretariat of Central America (Sedac) called this Friday to join in prayer in solidarity with the Nicaraguan Catholic Church, according to a message spread this Friday by the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council (Celam).

The day was organized for next December 8, the day that celebrates the Immaculate Conception of Mary, considered Patroness of Nicaragua by the Catholic Church.

“Let us express our deep solidarity and communion with the people of God in Nicaragua, who, many times, face a challenging reality,” quotes the statement released by Celam. “Our thoughts are with you, Nicaraguan brothers. We fraternally join their cry, which respectfully hopes to find a response,” he adds.

The Government of Nicaragua, headed by President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, has removed three bishops from their duties: Rolando Álvarez Lagos, Bishop of Matagalpa, Isidoro del Carmen Mora Ortega, Bishop of Siuna, and Carlos Enrique Herrera Gutiérrez, bishop of Jinotega. They, along with 17 other religious, have been forced to leave the country so far this year.

has requested a comment from the Nicaraguan Government on the announcement by the Central American bishops, without having received a response so far.

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