
Biden criticizes Russia, advocates diplomacy and promises help in the face of crisis

Biden criticizes Russia, advocates diplomacy and promises help in the face of crisis

US President Joe Biden harshly criticized Russia before the UN for the “unnecessary and brutal war” in Ukraine, which has caused a “serious” global food and energy crisis for which “the only person responsible” is Moscow, in a speech in which he insisted on diplomacy and cooperation as the main paths to sustainable development, while promising a millionaire relief fund to alleviate the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

“Putin he claims he had to act because Russia was threatened, but no one has threatened Russia,” said Biden, who reaffirmed his support for kyiv, remarking that the “serious impact” of the war is not caused by the sanctions imposed on the Russian nation and emphasized that these restrictions ” they explicitly allow” the free export of food and fertilizers.

The US president announced that his country will donate 2,900 million dollars in direct aid to alleviate the global food crisis caused by the conflict in Ukraine, destined for the most vulnerable communities in the world, where according to the leader, 193 million people suffer from hunger.

“This fund will serve as humanitarian and food assistance, while Russia is blinding lives and tries to blame this war for the crisis,” he said.

Relationship with China

Biden insisted on the role of the US as the main promoter of multilateral cooperation between nations, the importance of the UN in the current scenario and specified that he does not seek to “promote a cold war with China.”

“The United States is going to behave like a sensible leader, without trying to seek conflicts. We are not going to ask anyone to choose between China and the US,” stressed the president, who also added that what they intend is to promote “a free and safe world.”

Biden was very explicit in his criticism of Moscow and held Putin directly responsible for “violating the ideals of non-proliferation” of nuclear weapons with his “irresponsible threats”. “A nuclear war cannot be won and should never be fought,” he said.

In this regard, he also referred to the “flagrant violations” of North Korea and warned that “the US will not allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon.”

A new era of diplomacy for the US

Despite his harsh words against Russia, Joe Biden devoted much of his speech to the UN to calling for international understanding and collaboration above differences.

“Democracy and cooperation continue to be the best instrument to face current challenges,” he affirmed, while calling for “immediate” action to implement greater control of the use of weapons, guarantee the sovereign rights of all nations and reinforce the influence of a “more inclusive” United Nations “regardless of disagreements.

Biden defended the UN Charter, supported the expansion of the Security Council’s membership with countries from Africa, Latin America and Asia, while urging current members to refrain from exercising the right to veto “except in circumstances that require it.” deserve”

“We are in favor of a new economic ecosystem in which all nations have a fair opportunity for sustainable growth,” stressed the president, who asked international creditors to negotiate “transparently the cancellation of the debt” of developing countries “to avoid more crises in the world”.

He recalled that his administration has donated 620 million vaccines against COVID-19 to some 216 countries in a “free and unconditional” exchange and announced that it is working closely with the G20 nations to establish an international fund for the prevention of pandemics.

He insisted that the United States closely follows the situation in the world and hoped that peace would be achieved in Colombia, “free and fair elections” would be achieved in Venezuela, the war in Yemen would end and the conflict between Palestine and Israel would be resolved. who “must fully respect the equal rights of their citizens”.

In addition, he stressed that Washington “will always promote the defense of Human Rights” and a world where religious minorities and the LGTBIQ community are not subjected to violence simply because they are different. He spoke on the side of women in their fight for equality and mentioned the situation in Iran, where protests have broken out over the death of a young woman at the hands of the so-called morality police.

Urgent call against climate crisis

Biden devoted much of his speech to making an urgent call to join forces to act against climate change, whose “human cost” is already alarming. He recalled how the US has just approved a multi-million dollar commitment to advance clean energy and has pledged billions to help less favored nations make this transition.

“We have no time to waste, we all know that we are already facing a climate crisis,” said the president, who promised to work to “solve global problems” together, “including our competitors.”

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