
Bethesda announces that it will allow the migration of Elder Scrolls Online accounts on Stadia to PC

Bethesda announces that it will allow the migration of Elder Scrolls Online accounts on Stadia to PC

Oct. 21 (Portaltic/EP) –

Players of the video game developed by Bethesda Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) of Stadia will be able to log in and transfer their account settings to a computer before the imminent closure of this cloud gaming platform.

Google announced at the end of last September that it would close Stadia on January 18 after this service did not get the number of users and the “expected traction” that the company expected, after months of falling users and dedicated projects.

As a result of this news, video game developers have begun to work on services that allow the transfer of the configuration of their users’ accounts, so that they do not lose the games won, the characters or the objects purchased during the game.

One of them is Bethesdawhich recently has announced that two of its studios, Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Online Studios have been investigating how to keep player data from Elder Scroll Online.

The American developer has indicated that has found the solution to this closure of Stadia and that will allow players to transfer their accounts to PCs, including characters, achievements, friend lists or inventory, among other data.

To access this service, they must log in to the web page on a computer with game account keys and download it below. Those who have lost their User ID will need to reset their password from the account login page.

However, from Android Central they have pointed out that ESO users on Stadia who use Xbox or PlayStation will be exempt from this benefit. This limitation is due to the fact that content migration is only possible between platforms of the same family and they share the same servers.

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