He claims that “the right to tourism is not included in any legislation” 20 Jul. () –
Podemos Secretary General Ione Belarra warned on Saturday that her party’s support for the ratification of the latest anti-crisis decree in Congress next Tuesday depends on maintaining the electricity social bonus, which as the text is currently drafted would expire in September.
In the opening speech of the Podemos State Citizens Council, Belarra argued that the votes of her party “will not serve to make any cuts or setbacks in the rights already won”, while they have already informed the PSOE of these conditions for giving their support to the Royal Decree.
“The trick strategy of sneaking in cuts here and there in a hidden way will not work with Podemos,” the leader of the purple party said.
Bellara also stressed the “dirty war” against her party in view of the fact that more than fifty members were spied on by Mariano Rajoy’s government: “We were spied on simply for being from Podemos.”
“It was a plan by the Rajoy government and its judicial and media allies to nip in the bud any possibility of change in Spain. […] and protect the privileges of the elites,” Belarra said.
Belarra has therefore described these methods as “political and judicial coups” and “totalitarian practices that are more typical of a dictatorship”, while he has stressed that the Popular Party is “not a state party, but a coup-mongering party; it is a criminal, coup-mongering organisation that thinks that the institutions are its own”.
The blows to democracy are not so much carried out now with tanks and by bringing the army out onto the streets, the secretary general of Podemos has pointed out, but rather they are carried out through corrupt judges and media.
For her part, the leader of Podemos also attacked Sánchez’s executive for keeping Isabel García at the head of the Women’s Institute under the argument of her “public and notorious transphobia.”
“Transphobia is not an opinion, it is a hate crime; the President of the Government should have stopped it a long time ago,” Belarra said on this point.
In this line of accusations against the executive, Belarra has also attacked the Minister of Housing, Isabel Rodríguez, for her statements in which she asked who would attend to the tourists if the people of Malaga [ciudad desde la que hizo las declaraciones] they have no place to live.
“Houses must serve to ensure decent housing for residents,” Belarra added, stressing that housing is a “fundamental right” while “the right to tourism is not included in any legislation.”
Finally, Belarra devoted part of her speech to the “extermination” of the Palestinian people by Israel and, linked to this, demanded a total arms embargo and immediate severance of diplomatic and commercial relations with the Hebrew State, as well as exemplary sanctions against Netanyahu and taking him and his entire political leadership before the International Court of Justice.
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