
BBVA Spark starts operations to finance emerging companies

BBVA Spark starts operations to finance emerging companies

This new unit will have a range of products for BBVA companies (payroll, payments, cards, insurance, etc.) and the specific financing they need, thanks to a risk model adapted to the reality of these customers.

BBVA Spark will add to this offer financing models such as the ‘Venture Debt‘ which allows companies to access bank financing and reduce the dilution (decrease in value of shares) on their shareholding.

It will also include the ‘growth loans‘, which allows companies to undertake investment projects, such as entering new markets, or corporate operations.

Apart from products for companies, this unit will provide advice on mergers and acquisitions, as well as IPOs.

“We want to be a universal bank for high-growth companies with a clear goal: to build long-term relationships with these customers,” said the head of BBVA Spark, Roberto Albaladejo, at a press conference.

BBVA Spark starts from some 500 clients who already work with the entity and have confirmed that in the weeks before the launch they have already been working with users.

With information from EFE

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