economy and politics

BBVA mobilized resources for large Colombian companies for more than US$3,000 million


BBVA in Colombia mobilized resources for more than US$3,000 million, destined for the development of projects of large companies such as Ecopetrol, Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional (FDN), Grupo Sura, Bank of the West, Sura Asset Management and Metro Línea 1which advances the construction of the Bogotá Metro, among others.

The financial operations have taken place in both Colombia and the United States and have a direct impact on the country’s industrial sectors that boost growth in times of low economic performance, through both corporate financing and access to the capital market.

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“At BBVA we are proud to know that large Colombian companies see us as a strategic ally to carry out their productive projects. We are a bank that has committed to the development of the country, we have firm confidence in its economy and its citizens, so supporting infrastructure projects with social impact allows us to ratify our commitment to the sustainable development of the country,” said Carlos Alberto. Rodríguez, vice president of Corporate and Investment Banking at BBVA in Colombia.

Among the operations that stand out are those carried out with Ecopetrol, a company that BBVA accompanied in the issuance of a corporate bond in the international market for US$ 1,850 million, as joint bookrunner, that is, the entity that had the task of structuring and placing the issue. This operation was requested more than three times and more than 200 international investors participated, evidencing confidence in the company and its appetite for long-term debt.

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In addition, BBVA, together with a group of international banks, structured the refinancing of the credit used by Ecopetrol for the acquisition of ISA. This loan, in which BBVA participated with 250 million dollars and also served as Agent Bank, was executed for a total value of 1.2 billion dollars.



In the financial sphere, the issuance of the Inaugural Subordinated Bond of the Bank of the West was carried out for a value of US$175 million. The issue achieved an oversubscription of 1.3 times. BBVA acted as global coordinator, structurer and underwriter of the operation. This event marked a milestone as it represented the return of a Colombian bank to the international subordinated bond market since 2021.

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BBVA was also present in a joint operation with four banks, in the 500 million dollar issue carried out by Grupo Sura. The entity participated with an amount of 100 million dollars. This financing was used to acquire the remaining shares of Nutresa in the stock market and allowed it to complete the share exchange that it had pending with the Gilinski Group.

Mario Pardo Bayona, president of BBVA Colombia.

Mario Pardo Bayona, president of BBVA Colombia.

Cesar Melgarejo

In addition, BBVA participated in the management of Sura Asset Management’s debt worth US$ 350 million, contributing an amount of 50% of the total financing. This transaction allowed the client to pay the maturity of a bond in dollars. Likewise, BBVA participated with $300,000 million (US$75 million), together with two other local entities, in financing the Chinese consortium, led by China Harbor Engineering Company, which is carrying out the construction of the First Line of the Bogotá Metro, between other projects.

Portfolio Journalist

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