economy and politics

Barcelona City Council plans to eliminate all tourist apartments in November 2028

Barcelona City Council plans to eliminate all tourist apartments in November 2028

It proposes suppressing them by expiring the licenses to use them for residential use.


Barcelona City Council, led by the socialist government of Jaume Collboni, proposes eliminating all tourist flats in the city in November 2028 to repurpose them for residential use by applying the decree law approved by the Generalitat, which regulates tourist housing.

Collboni announced this at a press conference this Friday, together with the deputy mayors Laia Bonet and Jordi Valls, in which he detailed his government’s desire that the maximum number of tourist apartments be allocated to residential use and serve to increase the city’s housing stock.

The objective is that “as of 2029, the figure of a tourist apartment will disappear” as it is currently conceived and the activity of tourist use in residential apartments will completely cease, a proposal that must first be approved by the full Council.

“The government has decided to go all out,” said Collboni, who recalled that the city currently has 10,101 tourist apartments, which it wants to eliminate taking advantage of the decree of the Generalitat, which calls on the municipalities to draft within a period of 5 years from December 2023 an urban plan that establishes how many tourist apartments it agrees to have.

The text establishes that in municipalities that present problems of access to permanent housing or that already have more than five tourist apartments per 100 inhabitants (or that meet both requirements), tourist activity is only compatible with residential use if it is expressly allows urban planning, as long as it is justified that there is sufficient land for the habitual and permanent home use of the resident population.

Given that Barcelona is one of the municipalities that the decree indicates has problems with access to housing, the government plans not to promote any urban planning that declares the tourist use of housing compatible with that of habitual and permanent residence.


Thus, the formula that the City Council wants to apply is not to establish how many apartments the city allows, but to extinguish the licenses in November 2028 and update the Urban Accommodation Plan, so that the category of tourist apartments disappears.

“This will allow us to put 10,000 homes on the rental market or for sale or, simply, to have the residential use that they surely should never have lost. It is like manufacturing 10,000 new homes in the city in just 5 years,” he said. explained Bonet.


The City Council has the Special Urban Plan for Tourist Accommodations (Peuat), which regulates the implementation of all types of tourist accommodation and which the Consistory assures in a statement that “it will remain equally forceful once all the tourist apartments have been extinguished.” .

Since 2016, some 10,500 sanctions and 9,700 termination orders have been imposed, and some 6,000 illegal apartments have been imposed, of which there have been between 300 and 400 monthly advertisements that the municipal inspection team detects and requires the platforms to immediately deactivate them. .

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