economy and politics

Banks, Sofipos and fintechs dispute the money of Mexicans with returns

Banks, Sofipos and fintechs dispute the money of Mexicans with returns

Since this month, the Sofipos have announced that the yields they offer will decrease, adjusting to the movements of the central bank, but other players – banks included – are organizing a strategy so that accounts with yields continue to be attractive.

With the latest data available from the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV), the Sofipos had raised more than 56,597 million pesos in resources, an amount greater than what they lend .

The attention that these institutions have attracted has caused banks to also seek part of the market with returns and Santander is one of the most recent cases: the bank announced the launch of SúperCETE 35, an investment instrument that ensures a guaranteed return combined with a term of 35 days.

This instrument offers traditional terms of 60, 90 and 180 days (periods similar to those offered by Cetes) although the initial amount must be greater than 50,000 pesos.

The product offers up to two automatic rollovers. The return rates offered by the bank range from 90% annually to those who invest from 50,000 to 499,000 pesos and up to a rate of 115% annually to those who invest more than 5 million pesos.

“What we have seen is that clients are looking for a savings instrument that is short-term, but also that has attractive returns and that are also guaranteed,” said Ana Laura Germini Cassiano, executive director of Investments and High Income at Santander Mexico.

One of the advantages of this instrument, the board says, is that once the contracted term has expired, all or part of the money invested can be used. With this instrument, the bank seeks to raise 20,000 million pesos by the end of this year.

Another example of how companies are looking for alternatives for investment is the case of Stori, the Mexican Sofipo that launched this Tuesday a product called Stori Inversión+, a tool that offers different terms and returns of 15%.

Sergio Dueñas, general manager of Deposits for Stori, said in an interview that the firm will compete in the market with investments with fixed terms of 90, 180 and 360 days and a rate of return that goes up to 15.5% annually.

“There was always the view that (investments) are exclusive and only for a certain type of people who can receive this type of return. The truth is that democratizing access was very important for us and obviously the change we have seen is impressive,” he said.

The manager said that, in addition, the company has obtained authorization from the regulator so that the maximum monthly amount that its clients make is up to 240,000 pesos and no longer the 24,000 pesos that they could receive before.

What are the returns offered by banks, Sofipos and fintechs?

Finsus Since October 4, it modified the return rates it offers to investors, with 10.55% being the lowest rate.

The 30-day term will have a yield of 10.55% while the three-month term will have a yield of 11.20%. In six months the returns will be 11.49%. If you make investments for 2 years, the return will be 15% and for three years it will be 14.25%.

For Klar, Returns start at 10% for 7-day investments and extend up to 13.5% at an annual rate depending on the terms chosen.

Payment Market has maintained its daily return rate of 15%.

For the case of Wildebeestyields will be adjusted starting October 10. Now accounts with 24/7 availability offer returns of 12.5%, at 7 days the benefits extend to 12.75% and at 28 days, the return is 13.12%.

At 90 days, the returns are 14.5% and the platform created a new term of 180 days that gives a return of 12.36%.

From October 1 to 31, Stori offers a 15% return.

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