Colombian banks offered the Government a short-term economic reactivation plan, with three sectors that can generate rapid momentum and to this end they proposed that an action plan be developed within a month within the framework of a national agreement.
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María Lorena Gutiérrez, president of Grupo Aval, proposed to Laura Sarabia, director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic, that “We must reactivate the economy, generate more investment and greater economic growth in the short term.”
In order to do that, he said, “You have to make a roadmap in a month and have that whole board and start working.”
He pointed out that there will be differences in criteria on what sectors they would be, but housing, infrastructure and mining and oil They are key to this purpose.
He said that tourism and agriculture are important and should not be abandoned, “But when you are decelerating you have to target what reacts quickly. In housing we have to react quickly and we can find solutions with guarantees for builders and in infrastructure there are 14 4G projects with a low level of execution and it is due to poor coordination with the Government.”
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The interesting thing about the proposal, he said, is that if the projects are unblocked, the economy moves quickly.
But he warned that the investment must be recovered and not generate uncertainty “Well, there are moments of moments and the Government’s reforms are generating uncertainty and we should give messages to generate greater certainty.”
He recalled that the commitment regarding the national agreement began when the Guajira Mission was signed. “and that with Promigas we have worked to benefit 3,500 people, so far, giving them pure water.”
He said that he respects the board of directors of the Bank of the Republic, since they fulfill a technical role, “But there is consensus from all sectors that there is room to lower the rate further, without falling into madness or having fundamentalism and losing the fear of doing so, and it is a message that we are going to continue giving.”
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Laura Sarabia maintained that democracy is protected and defended when institutions are respected and pointed out that “The economic reactivation must include us all, not as a benefactor State but as a productive State and trust in Colombia, in the potential and uniting us, because we are all going to have that powerful, sustainable and lasting recovery”. She said that she agrees with María Lorena Gutiérrez’s proposal and asked the financial and business system to help “manage risk in a comprehensive manner to generate productivity in various production chains”. “We must unite in strategic projects without forgetting the remote regions and not only in large projects, but in others such as the La Guajira and Chocó aqueducts.”
And he also asked that farmers, to the extent possible, start planting and must leverage credit, since four critical months are coming with the arrival of the La Niña phenomenon.
Juan Carlos Mora, president of Bancolombia, added that the national agreement “We conceive it as seeking financial inclusion, the development of cities and communities and the strengthening of the productive fabric in rural areas.”
He announced that he 1,300 people have productive credits in very remote areas, helping them to operate an ATM and with financial education.
For his part, Javier Suárez Esparragoza, president of Banco Davivienda, said that part of the commitment of the national agreement in the case of the entity is represented in a plan to bring development and financial inclusion in San Andrés, to try to make it cashless.
He mentioned that the ‘Cultivarte’ program seeks to serve half of the population and there are already 96 centers in rural areas to care for children, and agreed that we must take advantage of the lower inflation that is coming lowering interest rates and taking advantage of the opportunities that nearshoring provides for the Caribbean region.
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