economy and politics

Banks must mature more in digital transformation

Banks must mature more in digital transformation

With coverage of 304 banks from 41 countries, the Digital Bank Maturity study, by the Deloitte firm, analyzes retail banking in the best practices with its clients and showed that Latin America it is well positioned compared to the world average, while Colombia, although it still needs to improve, surpasses its regional competitors in four out of six key aspects.

(In Latin America, 17% of banks are looking to go digital.)

In fact, according to the study, Colombia surpasses in the indicator of Incorporation of the client, the measurement of the Latin American, world average and that of the best reviewed country.

However, in the indicator End of the relationship (with the client) Colombia registers an index below all the regions studied.

José Valderrama, Core Business Operations partner for the Andean Region at Deloitte Spanish Latin America spoke with Portafolio about the report.

What did the study consist of?

It is a digital maturity report focused on Latin America and with a magnifying glass on Colombia and what we see is a digital maturity with a tendency to increase, according to the best practices towards the client.

(Digital banking gains ground: number of bank branches decreases).

We focus on the moments of each entity because there are banks that have been entering late (digital latecomers), others have already adopted digitality (digital adopters), some are already digital followers (digital smart followers) and others are digital champions (digital champions). . Digital champion banks are focused on customer functions with an attractive user experience, consolidating loyalty in the digital part.

How is the region?

We are a few points above the global average. The analyzes are six points for that customer journey (customer journey): information gathering, account opening, customer onboarding, day-to-day banking, relationship expansion, and end of relationship.

70% of banks now offer remote account opening compared to 55% in 2020, there are disruptive banks, relatively small that compete with large, long-established banks, but with great digital skills. These disruptive banks are often digital-only or mobile-only banks.

(Digital banking is the present of the financial system).

Input for banks in the country

For José Valderrama, from Deloitte, only a few results of extensive research are given. “We don’t tell banks how to improve. It’s what they have to work with. We give companies the opportunity to see the strategies in a digital laboratory and how they have implemented the programs to improve them.
In short, they must see how to improve the user experience ”,


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