A Bangladesh court on Thursday refused to release the influential Hindu activist Krishna Das Prabhu, accused of sedition after leading numerous protests in favor of improved security policies to guarantee the protection of minorities in the Muslim-majority country. .
Prabhu has not attended this day’s court hearing, in which Judge Saiful Islam has rejected the appeal presented by the defense, which requested release on bail for the 39-year-old activist.
However, his lawyers have indicated that they will appeal the measure although they have reported threats and pressure against them, according to Bangladeshi media.
The Hindu population has reported that there have been thousands of attacks against this minority since August, when the secular government of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina fell, who fled the country and remains in India.
Human Rights organizations have urged the provisional government of Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus to guarantee freedom of expression for the entire population and the protection of minorities.
In this regard, Amnesty International has called on the Bangladesh authorities to carry out a prompt, thorough, impartial and independent investigation into abuses committed against Hindu, Ahmadi and other minority communities, as well as episodes of collective violence and to guarantee that those responsible face “fair and transparent” judicial processes, without resorting to the death penalty.
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