economy and politics

Auction confirmed for offshore wind generation projects

Auction confirmed for offshore wind generation projects

From Portugal, where this Sunday the Colombian Government closed a tour that included Spain, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Irene Vélez, confirmed that Colombia will have auction for offshore wind power generation projects.

(Minister of Mines announces measures due to high gasoline prices).

“The important thing is to tell investors that it is the time for Colombia,” expressed the Minister of Mines and Energy, Irene Vélez.

“We have been organizing this since we arrived at the Government on day one and the specifications to go to auction will be ready in August. It is an area that will be subdivided, we believe that between four and six wind generation projects will be able to fit there”said the minister.

(Gasoline prices would continue to hit the cost of living in the country).

He also added that said area would be developed in the department of Atlántico and would be the first “granted offshore in Colombia and in Latin America”.

Likewise, Vélez expressed the country’s export potential to Portugal, with the generation of green hydrogen, whose pioneering projects were proposed in the National Development Plan to accelerate this purpose.

“Having been here in Portugal and in Spain has been very important because Portugal thinks of itself as the region that produces green hydrogen for Europe and also wants to be the port where imports of green hydrogen arrive to distribute to the rest of the continent. European. On the other hand, we can be that place from where green hydrogen comes out for export”specified the Minister of Mines and Energy.


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