
At least five suspected PKK members killed in suspected Turkish drone attack in Mosul

At least five suspected PKK members killed in suspected Turkish drone attack in Mosul

July 17 (EUROPA PRESS) –

At least five suspected fighters of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) would have died in an attack carried out by an alleged Turkish Army drone in the west of the Iraqi city of Mosul, the first such incident to occur in the locality within the war waged by the armed group and Turkey, which recognizes it as a terrorist organization.

Official Kurdish sources have verified at least five dead and two injured in the attack on a vehicle in which at least seven passengers were traveling, MP Sherwan Dubardani reported to the official Kurdish news agency Rudaw. The attack would have taken place in the Tanak neighborhood.

Shortly after Dubardani’s statement, the Kurdistan Region Counter-Terrorism Directorate claimed that the drone was Turkish and that the hit vehicle was carrying five PKK members.

However, media related to the PKK, cited by the agency, also allege that the attack was carried out by Turkey but qualify that the five deceased were civilians, as local sources have also assured the US network NBC. It would be five members of the same family, including a woman. Ankara has not yet commented on the matter.

Ankara carries out attacks and military operations against the group in Turkey and northern Iraq. The semi-autonomous Iraqi region of Kurdistan has witnessed an increase in the number of drone strikes in recent months.

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