economy and politics

ASEAN and Japan reaffirm their commitment to promoting the Global Strategic Partnership

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The senior officials of the ASEAN and Japan attending the 39th ASEAN-Japan Forum in Bangkok reaffirmed their commitment to further advance the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Strategic Partnership based on mutual trust, mutual respect, mutual benefit, win-win cooperation and equal partnership.

The Meeting welcomed the continued momentum of strengthening ASEAN-Japan cooperation following the successful convening of the ASEAN-Japan 50th Anniversary Friendship and Cooperation Commemorative Summit held in Tokyo in December 2023.

Both sides took stock of the progress in ASEAN-Japan cooperation, in particular the implementation of the Joint Vision Statement on ASEAN-Japan Trustworthy Partners Friendship and Cooperation and its Implementation Plan adopted at the Commemorative Summit. Both sides agreed to continue to work closely to carry out the Implementation Plan of the Joint Vision Statement.

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Both sides further agreed to continue strengthening cooperation under the three pillars of the CSP, namely Heart-to-Heart Partners Across Generations, Partners for Co-creation of Future Economy and Society, and Partners for Peace and Stability.

ASEAN welcomed the follow-up projects and activities of the initiatives announced by Japan at the Commemorative Summit, such as the ASEAN-Japan Co-Creation Initiative for the Next Generation Automobile Industry, the Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC), the ASEAN-Japan MIDORI Cooperation Scheme, the WA 2.0 Project, and the financial contribution to the ASEAN Junior Scholarship Programme and aid to East Timor.

The Meeting welcomed the continued momentum of strengthening ASEAN-Japan cooperation

ASEAN welcomed Japan’s continued support for ASEAN Centrality and ASEAN Community-building efforts. It also welcomed Japan’s commitment and support to the ASEAN Indo-Pacific Outlook (AOIP), including through the implementation of concrete projects and activities to promote practical cooperation in key areas of the AOIP with a view to contributing to the advancement of the DEP in an open, transparent and inclusive manner.

Both sides also exchanged views on regional and international issues of common interest and concern. They agreed to enhance collaboration to address new challenges and promote peace, stability and prosperity in the region. The 39th ASEAN-Japan Forum was co-chaired by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Eksiri Pintaruchi and Senior Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Funakoshi Takehiro and was attended by senior officials of ASEAN member states and the ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General for the ASEAN Political and Security Community, as well as their respective delegations. Timor-Leste attended as an observer.

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