economy and politics

As of September 7, a gallon of diesel fuel will cost $9.856

As of September 7, a gallon of diesel fuel will cost $9.856

The National Government, through the Ministries of Mines and Energy, Transport, Labor, Interior and Finance and Public Credit, reported that The price of diesel fuel is $9,856 starting this Saturday, September 7.

The price of a gallon of ACPM between August 31 and September 6 was $11.360. Before this date, fuel was quoted at $9.456. With the current adjustment, There is a net increase of $400 compared to the value recorded before last month’s increase.

The next adjustment, According to the commitment agreement signed by the National Government and the representatives of cargo and passenger transport, will be $400 per gallon and will be effective starting December 1, 2024.

The commitment to the bases of cargo and passenger transport is an increase in the price of a gallon of ACPM of $800 at the end of 2024. This adjustment will be divided between $400, which will take effect as of September 7, and $400, which will take effect as of December 1, 2024.“, the Government reported.

It should be remembered that the National Government has established a general price for diesel fuel, and another for large consumers. The first group includes all those who go to service stations, a segment that will receive price increases gradually.

The second category covers those who use more than 20,000 gallons per month and who purchase diesel fuel directly from distributors. For them, there is already a decree in force since June 24 that sets the full international price of diesel.


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