The Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López, sworn in the new head of the treasury, reported the Presidency of the Republic in a statement.
Martínez Dagnino has a degree in Accounting and a master’s degree in Finance from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Until this Monday he served as head of the General Administration of Large Taxpayers of the SAT.
The change in the head of the treasury occurs in the midst of the negotiations of the 2023 Economic Package in the Congress of the Union, where it is contemplated that 56% of the total public income will come from the collection of taxes, this without applying changes in great importance for the following year, since there will be no fiscal miscellany.
The Federation Revenue Law Initiative (ILIF) sets a goal of 4.6 billion pesos (bp) for the arrival of tax revenues and to achieve this, a review of large taxpayers and intensifying actions against smuggling are planned, Buenrostro told the middle of last month in the Expansion in the Inter.Mx Summit 2022 expansion.
The López Obrador government began a series of adjustments in his cabinet after last week Tatiana Clouthier resigned from the Ministry of Economy.