Science and Tech

Andalucía has an opinion on who has preference to teach Computer Science. They are not the computer

The new educational law puts an end to numerical grades in schools.  The strange thing is that they have lasted so long

Turbulence in the staff room. The Junta de Andalucía, through its Ministry of Education and in the development of the LOMLOEknown as the ‘Celaá Law’, has decided that the teaching of Computer Science subjects in Baccalaureate will give priority to teachers who are not specialists in Computer Science.

This was reflected in the BOJA (Official Bulletin of the Junta de Andalucía) 104, of June 2which included the assignment of elective subjects from the community and the specialties required for teachers.

Only a priority for computer scientists in Computer Science subjects

Both the subject ‘Digital Creation and Computational Thinking’ and ‘Information and Communication Technologies’ (I and II) prioritize the specialty of Technology ahead of that of Computer Science. In the first case, add the specialty of Mathematics in third place.

This decision has provoked the protest of Aapri (Andalusian Association of Computer Science Teachers), who has published a statement in which he explains that they believe this decision “will have negative consequences for the future of the youth of our community.”

Specialties of the bodies


  1. Technology
  2. Computing
  3. Math

Digital Creation and Computational Thinking

  1. Technology
  2. Computing

Information and Communication Technologies I and II

In the first place, it details that Technology teachers are not specialists in Computer Science nor have they accredited knowledge of programming, software development, the Internet and other similar branches before the Ministry of Education.

He also adds that the educational interest of the students must always prevail and emphasizes the need for a teacher of computer subjects to be a specialist capable of mentoring and attracting vocations towards “a sector without unemployment”.

Finally, add that this supposes a comparative grievance with respect to other autonomous communitiesgiving the example of the Valencian Community, in which the specialist teaching staff in Computer Science has maintained the exclusive and priority teaching attribution.

His request is that the Ministry add to the norm the nuance that, “as long as there is a Computer Science teacher in the center, they must have priority in the teaching of ICT (and Computational Thinking) and Baccalaureate subjects”, alluding to because this has been the solution that the Ministry of Education has historically adopted.

With this measure, the only subject for which Informatics teachers have priority is ‘Digitalization’, 4th of ESO. In addition, there is no compulsory Computer Science subject throughout the school year (Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate), these being reduced to electives.

Featured Image | Xataka with Midjourney.

In Xataka | Farewell to the Informatics subject is a problem: young people have low digital skills.

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