
An Israeli injured after being attacked with a screwdriver by a Palestinian in Jerusalem

An Israeli injured after being attacked with a screwdriver by a Palestinian in Jerusalem

July 19 (EUROPA PRESS) –

An Israeli citizen has been injured after being attacked with a screwdriver by a Palestinian on a bus in the north of the Israeli capital, Jerusalem, in what authorities say is a possible terrorist attack.

The 41-year-old man has been stabbed in the head while traveling on a bus through the Ramot neighborhood, in northeast Jerusalem, as confirmed by local authorities, who have pointed out that the victim has been transferred to a hospital and his life is not in danger.

Once he stabbed the victim, the aggressor was shot by a passerby, a photographer from the Ynet news portal, who intervened before the authorities arrived at the scene.

After this, several police officers have traveled to the scene and have begun investigations to determine the causes of the event, according to the newspaper ‘The Times of Israel’.

“I got out of the car, loaded my gun and realized it was a terrorist attack. The stabber came towards me, I did not hesitate and fired a bullet at him. I heard him pray in Arabic,” the photographer told the Kan radio station. .

For his part, the Israeli Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, has valued the intervention of the passer-by for “acting with determination to neutralize the terrorist and prevent injuries to other people.”

“We will not allow terrorism to rear its head and disrupt the routine of our lives. We will settle accounts with anyone who tries to harm innocent civilians,” Lapid added in a statement.

Along the same lines, the Minister of Public Security, Omer Barlev, has asserted that this incident “will not weaken” the authorities in “the determined fight against Palestinian terrorism.”

On the other hand, a spokesman for the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Hazem Qassem praised the attack, calling it an “act of heroism” as well as a “natural response to the crimes of the occupation against the holy places of Islam and the Christianity in Israel”.

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