economy and politics

AMLO will ask Biden for support in energy and semiconductors at the summit

AMLO will ask Biden for support in energy and semiconductors at the summit

Mexico is seeking U.S. help to secure financing from development banks for an ambitious plan to build several state solar parks in the border state of Sonora, said the official, who asked not to be named as plans that are not public. López Obrador, known as AMLO, will also seek to discuss the sale of Mexican clean energy north of the border, especially in California, the person said.

Mexico will also promote joint work to attract semiconductor firms to North America, the official said. The López Obrador government hopes to persuade the US to jointly approach companies looking to move to the region, suggesting that a new factory built in a state like Arizona could be supplied with some parts and processes. developed in Mexico, the person said.

The talks will take place on the sidelines of the “Three Amigos” summit held between López Obrador, Biden and Canadian President Justin Trudeau on Monday and Tuesday, in which the leaders will discuss issues such as climate change, competitiveness region, migration, diversity and security.

López Obrador and Trudeau will meet separately on Wednesday, with Mexico aiming for a strategic relaunch of the relationship, building on heavy Canadian investment in the country last year and an announced energy infrastructure partnership between the state-owned utility and Canada’s TC Energy Corp. ., said the official.

Mexico does not expect to discuss new immigration measures after announcing a new agreement with the US on Thursday, the official said. Biden is scheduled to visit the southwest border in El Paso, Texas, on Sunday, before traveling to Mexico City.

Trade disputes between the three countries will likely be mentioned but not discussed in detail, the person said.

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