Science and Tech

Amazon intends to change everything with a new artificial intelligence capable of defeating ChatGPT


Everything indicates that the giant Amazon will soon join the race to dominate artificial intelligence. Which, logically, raises all kinds of questions about his intentions.

Although almost no one agrees on how far its scope can go, what is clear is that artificial intelligence is not only the future, but the present. Thus, at least the large companies consider it, which at the moment They are leading a fierce fight to be at the forefront of this technological revolution.

A race that still needs a new competitor: Amazon. But there is no need to worry, everything seems to indicate that the online shopping giant is already preparing its own alternative, with which it even intends to defeat the most popular artificial intelligence to date: ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI. The challenge, of course, is huge.

Metis, Amazon’s AI to compete with ChatGPT

Although it is carrying out its development in secret, Amazon is working on an artificial intelligence capable of standing up to ChatGPT itself, as they have revealed since Business Insider. It would be a technology that, in many ways, would even be ahead of its main competitors, and that It would be based on the company’s “Olympus” model.

From what is known so far, Metis Not only will it be able to create texts and images based on all the data with which it would be trained, but it would also offer other extraordinary possibilities, perhaps based on the interactions with users. These are details that are not known for certain at the moment.

There is also talk, although at the moment there is nothing 100% confirmed, that Metis would be ideal for carrying out instructions, for example, when managing a smart home. One more way in which Amazon would be able to guarantee the loyalty of many, if it really manages to enter homes in this way.

At the moment, however, there are many questions surrounding this supposed Amazon artificial intelligence. To begin with, all the ways in which businesses could use it to improve their productivity, and also when interacting or offering an extra service to their customers, something that is far from clear.

When will Amazon’s new AI arrive?

Everything seems to indicate that Amazon’s Metis artificial intelligence will be officially announced sooner rather than later. Although there is no specific date for such an event, most of the information and rumors that exist to date indicate a moment on the calendar: the next month of September. It could be then that we know everything.

In any case, there is one thing that is clear: Amazon is also taking everything related to artificial intelligence very seriouslywithout paying attention to those who argue that it is a temporary bubble that will burst, and considering that the future, in one way or another, involves learning to master this technology.

It should not be forgotten that, despite everything, we are talking about a business, so it is impossible to know how the North American giant will face its particular AI revolution.

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Tags: Artificial intelligence

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