
ALZARA Radiant Echoes wants to be a magical JRPG that takes inspiration from where you least imagine

Adventure in the Mediterranean

Although there is no doubt that they are part of role-playing games, it is a reality that JRPGs are titles with a different flavor from the rest of the genre’s productions. So much so, that its most emblematic franchises and titles have managed to have enormous influence among some Western developers, who have used this inspiration to create role-playing games with a style different from what is normally done in this part of the world.

In recent years we have seen the launch of titles such as Chained Echoes either Sea of ​​Stars, which show that Western developers are capable of creating games that take us back to the golden age of JRPGs. Getting on this train we will soon have ALZARA Radiant Echoes, a new project from Studio Camelia that we were recently able to see in a virtual presentation. From what we learned, it is shaping up to be a unique and extremely interesting game.

Adventure in the Mediterranean

ALZARA Radiant Echoes: taking the best of golden sun, Avatar and Lost Odyssey

One of the elements that instantly caught my attention ALZARA Radiant Echoes is that his inspirations are not in such common places. A lot of JRPG-inspired indies cite gems like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IV either Mother as his main influences. These are all great games, so it never hurts to have similar titles; However, it was a breath of fresh air that Studio Camelia took inspiration from less obvious exponents.

According to the developers at Studio Camelia, ALZARA Radiant Echoes take inspiration from golden sun, Final Fantasy X and Lost Odyssey. His influences do not only remain in JRPGs, since he also took several lessons from Avatar: The Last Airbender, the popular Nickelodeon animated series. With all this amalgamation, it creates a new adventure that transports us to a beautiful Mediterranean world to pamper us with a narrative that promises to be engaging and combines it with an exciting combat system.

The latter was one of the things that made ALZARA Radiant Echoes in the virtual presentation. It is a turn-based battle system that is focused on sharing and teamwork. This by dividing your team into 2 lines, which will force you to sandwich them between the battlefront and the rear to allow them to recover. Each hero masters one of the primary elements (there are 10 in total) and can combine his abilities with those of others to have more elements and thus create new tactics to defeat enemies.

An interesting detail of ALZARA Radiant Echoes is that all characters have the ability to function as warriors or support units. Of course, all elemental skills use Echoe, a battle resource that recovers when you stay behind. In this way, you will have to know how to combine and change your group of heroes to create powerful combinations that make a difference.

Additionally, combat promises to present some element of risk and reward. It turns out that all heroes have the ability to summon a Zals, powerful entities that were responsible for giving magic to humans. That said, bringing these characters to support you in battle comes at a price, and no, it’s not about Echoe. In order to summon them you will have to temporarily sacrifice some of your characters’ characteristics. That is, you will have to lose strength or put yourself in a vulnerable position to take advantage of its power.

A different combat system
A different combat system

It all sounds good but what about the story? ALZARA Radiant Echoes It transports us to a beautiful Mediterranean archipelago that is on the brink of war due to an invasion. Thus, players will accompany a group of 4 heroes (Kayloa, Adil, Hugust and Nakheel) to expand the Resistance and defend the people of Taqsim.

While we don’t know much more about the story, we do know that Studio Camelia put special attention into making it feel like a real JRPG with different details. The game is a 3D adventure, but also features a 2D overworld like that of classic game games. This map drawn in watercolor by Mosqui can be explored on foot or by boat that will be unlocked later.

Additionally, the development team teamed up with creatives that fans of the genre will recognize. To begin with, we have that its soundtrack is composed by Motoi Sakuraba, who has worked on franchises such as Dark Souls, Baten Kaitos, Star Ocean and golden sun. On the other hand, its main characters were designed by the Japanese artist Yoshiro Ambe, who has collaborated on games such as Trials of Mana, Genshin Impact and Fire Emblem Heroes.

ALZARA Radiant Echoes seek your support on Kickstarter[/i]

Does what I told you about catch your attention? ALZARA Radiant Echoes? Then it’s time for you to know that the project needs your support.

So that ALZARA Radiant Echoes becomes a reality, Studio Camelia seeks to raise $107,878 USD through a fundraising campaign fundraising on Kickstarter. If you want to support her you can do it here.

As usual, supporting the fundraising campaign will give you different benefits depending on the amount you contribute. If you want a digital copy of ALZARA Radiant Echoes and appear in their credits, just support them with $27 USD. On the other hand, if you want a physical copy and other benefits, you can do so by paying $98 USD.

It is expected that ALZARA Radiant Echoes arrive at some point in 2026 on consoles and PC.

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