This Thursday marks 379 days since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The country has suffered this morning a new Russian attack on critical infrastructure, with shelling in ten different areas, including the capital kyiv and two big cities like Kharkiv and Odessa. Besides, the nuclear power plant Zaporizhia It has had to be disconnected from the network, according to the company Energoatom. While in the Donbas front the ukrainians try to evacuate civilians from bakhmut before the possibility that the city falls into Russian hands soon.
Russia says aerial bombardment is retaliation for Ukrainian raid on Bryansk
The Russian authorities have affirmed this Thursday that the wave of bombardments perpetrated against Ukrainian territory during the night responds to the “terrorist attack” perpetrated on past March 2 in the Russian province of Briansk at the hands of “Ukrainian saboteurs”. The Ministry of Defense of the country has indicated in a statement that “in response to the terrorist actions organized by the Kiev regime in the Bryansk province, the Russian Armed Forces have launched a massive attack.” Thus, the spokesman for the Ministry, General Igor Konashenko, has indicated that various weapons have been used to carry out the batteries of attacks, which include Kinzhal supersonic missiles. “These high-precision weapons have hit key elements of Ukraine’s military infrastructure, as well as energy facilities,” he pointed out, according to the TASS news agency.
Poland completes delivery of Leopard main battle tanks to Ukraine
Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak has confirmed the delivery to Ukraine of the last ten main battle tanks Leopard 2A4, an example of the military commitment to the neighboring country, to which it already provided a first batch of armored cars last week, coinciding with the visit to kyiv of the Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki. Mariusz Błaszczak, who had already advanced this week that the second delivery was imminent, has confirmed at a press conference the end of the training work for the Ukrainian military who must handle these new tanks, according to the PAP news agency.
Map of the situation in Ukraine from British Intelligence
The illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is continuing.
The map below is the latest Defense Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine – 09 March 2023.
Find out more about the UK government’s response:
?? #StandWithUkraine ??
— Ministry of Defense ?? (@DefenceHQ) March 9, 2023
The pro-Russian authorities in Zaporizhia create people’s militias
The authorities imposed by Russia in the Ukrainian region of Zaporizhia, annexed in September 2022, have announced on Thursday the creation of popular militias in order to protect public order and major institutions and industries controlled by Russian forces.
Russia shoots down a Ukrainian army drone over Briansk
The Russian authorities have reported this Thursday that they have managed to shoot down a Ukrainian Army drone over the city of Navlia, in the Briansk region, in the southwest of the country. The governor of the area, Alexander Bogomaz, has specified that no casualties or damage reported given that the drone has been detected and intercepted before it could “cause any damage”, according to the TASS news agency.
Zaporizhia nuclear power plant loses electricity after Russian attacks
The Ukrainian nuclear plant in Zaporizhia, the largest in Europe, has been completely isolated from the electrical grid this Thursday after the Russian attacks in recent hours, which can lead to an emergency with radioactive consequences for the entire world, the company has assured. state energoatom on his Telegram channel. The plant, the third largest in the world, in southern Ukraine, was occupied by the Russian Army after the invasion and has suffered several disconnections from the Ukrainian network since then, due to the bombardments that take place in the area and of which Moscow and Kiev are accused.
At least four dead in Lviv and one in Dnipropetrovsk after massive Russian attack
At least four people have died in the Ukrainian region of Lviv, in the west of the country, and another has died in Dnipropetrovsk, in the southeast, after the massive bombings that the Russians launched last morning over different parts of Ukraine.