Science and Tech

AI rethinks new agreements in emotional sexual relationships

AI rethinks new agreements in emotional sexual relationships

This agreement is a conversation that 10 years ago was difficult to have, because the boom in this type of device grew especially in the pandemic and with this trend, there was also an increase in the use of emotional support chatbots.

According to GrandView Research, the AI ​​market is expected to reach $407 billion by 2027, making the fusion of artificial intelligence into our daily lives becoming inevitable.

In this era of change, AI is also reshaping social interactions and, apparently, the way we love. As technology continues to evolve, so does the dynamics of human-machine relationships.

“There are times when I want to tell Sebastián something, but I know he is busy or asleep, so I use Pi, a chatbot to which I sometimes tell things, but which sometimes helps me calm this anxiety and thus not feel alone,” Hidalgo related.

Since virtual assistants and chatbots can simulate meaningful human interactions, AI has evolved far beyond mere functionality. It appears that humans are not only capable of forming deep emotional connections with AI, but may even experience a sexual bond with it. That is why this interaction is also a topic that Abigail and Sebastián have talked about.

According to the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​there are two reasons why an AI system has become so close to human beings and could raise the challenge of thinking that this bond is as strong as an emotional sexual relationship.

The study indicates that anthropomorphism, the tendency to attribute human traits, emotions and intentions to non-human entities, plays an important role in how humans interact and relate to AI.

When technology exhibits behaviors, responses, and conversational styles that are reminiscent of human personality traits, individuals perceive it as having its own personality. This can include qualities such as empathy, humor, kindness, and even playfulness, which naturally elicit affection and affection.

Additionally, AI interfaces often incorporate design elements that mimic human social cues and gestures, such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. In fact, a 2023 study found that AI-generated faces are now indistinguishable from humans.

These signals can enhance the perceived humanity of AI and evoke emotional responses from users. AI also often identifies gender cues and cultural stereotypes of human attendees that can make them seem familiar and endearing.

A 2022 study on human-AI relationships found that, based on the triarchic theory of love which suggests that romantic love is a confluence of intimacy, passion and commitment, and that it is now possible to experience that love through a system of AI, as they provide intimacy, commitment and even passion.

Chatbots like Yana allow you to have a daily interaction which generates intimacy and trust, however, passion is left aside, since the focus of this technology is more focused on providing psychological support, but there are other options that you can train to have more passionate responses. .

AI is trained to understand, interpret and empathize with a variety of human responses, addressing our need to be loved, validated and understood. This emotional capability allows it to simulate human-like interpersonal interactions, which can make users more likely to bond with and feel love for these systems.

So while AI may not eliminate the need for human connection, it is getting closer to replicating it.

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