Science and Tech

AI beyond ChatGPT: 3 applications in which this technology helps people with hearing loss

AI beyond ChatGPT: 3 applications in which this technology helps people with hearing loss

June 10 (Portaltic/EP) –

The artificial intelligence (AI) goes beyond ChatGPT, being able to be a useful tool in the well-being of people and for facilitate interaction with others and the environment, as is the case with people with hearing loss.

ChatGPT, ChatSonic or DALL-E are the tools that lead the popularity of generative AI and that show their ability to build texts, images and precise reasoning.

Although it is a developing technology and has pending regulatory adaptation, It has already demonstrated the potential it has in society, mainly from the professional and economic field.

In this context, Oticon experts value the usefulness of the deep neural network and other artificial intelligence systems to improve the daily lives of people with hearing loss.

Specifically, they have highlighted the use of AI to caption conversations in real time, since it constitutes a support to understand oneself better in conversations in noisy environments or in a low tone.

This is one of the adaptations of text-to-speech technology “that has been in practice for the longest years,” they point out, and its use has been democratized, being able to find it in mobile phone applications.

The AI ​​too protects the ear against excessively loud audio. Currently, there are manufacturers of audio devices, such as headphones, that have developed AI technologies that monitor the volume and are capable of alerting the user of sub-optimal levels for their hearing health, or even adjusting it automatically to reduce the risk of their hearing. Prolonged use generates irreversible effects on your hearing.

Likewise, and as indicated by Oticon, the AI supports the brain in the hearing process. In this line, the manufacturer has worked on a hearing aid concept that assists the brain through a deep neural network trained with millions of sound scenes.

As he explains, this advanced technology improves 360-degree access to speech, highlighting its specific characteristics over noise.

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