economy and politics

Aguirre’s press director points to the former president and the rest of her "bosses" exonerated by García Castellón

The former General Director of Media of the Community of Madrid Isabel Gallego, Esperanza Aguirre’s main collaborator in press matters, has appealed her prosecution in piece 9 of Púnica for “unfair, partial and discriminatory”. Gallego’s defense does not find an explanation as to how Judge Manuel García Castellón can propose that she be tried in the well-known case of box B of the PP in Madrid when she never held any position in the party and all her work was supervised by what He qualifies as his “bosses”, including Aguirre herself and Ignacio González, both former presidents of the Community of Madrid and also of the PP in the case of the former.

The Anticorruption story leads Ayuso to testify as a witness in the trial of box B of the PP in Madrid

The Anticorruption story leads Ayuso to testify as a witness in the trial of box B of the PP in Madrid

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The investigation came to Isabel Gallego through Alejandro de Pedro, the computer guru who created a network of ‘zombie’ newspapers to bury negative news about regional government positions in Internet search engines and create other positive ones, in addition to a ‘clippin ‘ or press summary. De Pedro was paid with public funds, either through budgets or public companies.

“That, work or not, that EICO or any other Alejandro de Pedro company carried out for Esperanza Aguirre, Salvador Victoria, Lucía Figar, Borja Sarasola or any other, was not commissioned, controlled, or paid by the General Directorate of Media ( DGM), if it was outside that clippin contract ”, collects the appeal for reform, subsidiary appeal, presented by Gallego’s defense before the Manuel García Castellón court and to which has had access.

Gallego’s defense affirms that the fact that Alejandro de Pedro “had or did not have previous personal and/or business relations with the PP, with Francisco Granados, Salvador Victoria, Borja Sarasola, Lucía Figar, Esperanza Aguirre, Ignacio González… is something that was completely alien to Isabel Gallego until he is presented to her, just as he has left, by Borja Sarasola so that he can do the work on the Internet that she had demanded. And to whom do you request? to their bosses [de Isabel Gallego]. Because the decision-making task was not the responsibility of the DGM or its director, ”he adds.

Gallego recalls that the Information Technology Agency of the Community of Madrid (ICM), involved in the payment system or the Transparency Portal, depended directly on the Presidency of the Community of Madrid, held by Esperanza Aguirre, and not on the General Directorate media. “It cannot be taken as good that the DGM is blamed for what Francisco Granados, Esperanza Aguirre, Ignacio González, Lucía Figar, Salvador Victoria, Borja Sarasola or others agreed, if they did, with Alejandro de Pedro. Legal or illegal,” he adds.

With the exception of Granados, all the directors and former president of the Community of Madrid mentioned have been exonerated by the judge. Gallego believes that the judge has acted with double standards between all those PP politicians and her, who was never a member of the party. “It is not Isabel Gallego who proposes Alejandro de Pedro, but rather it comes to him imposed after being recommended by Borja Sarasola”, adds the former Director of Communication of Aguirre.

The person in charge of networks, Isabel Díaz Ayuso

In the chapter on absences in the judge’s order, Isabel Díaz Ayuso appears, who, although she has never been charged, is mentioned five times in the indictment of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. “It is not unimportant that it should be noted that in January 2010, the person in charge of the Communications Secretariat was Lucía Figar and that of the social networks Isabel Díaz Ayuso”, adds Isabel Gallego’s appeal before the National Court.

With the computer expert, achiever in the exclusive environments of business Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, he established “a relationship of trust” during the 2011 regional campaign, which focuses non-prescribed crimes on the aforementioned piece. In fact, the summary includes the whatsapp conversations between Isabel Díaz Ayuso and Alejandro de Pedro, their appointments to talk about the works that are being investigated and some “favorite”, an expression used by the current president of Madrid to title an email in which he asks the defendant for a web page template for Esperanza Aguirre.

Ayuso’s relationship with De Pedro goes, however, beyond what is included in the conclusions, including the summary of the Púnica case. revealed in September 2019 that Díaz Ayuso sent an email on April 12, 2012 to Alejandro de Pedro with a link to a news item published by El Mundo that same day in relation to the investigation of Ignacio González’s attic in Estepona. He didn’t say more. Nor was it necessary. As evidenced by the Púnica case, De Pedro dedicated himself to creating new news, manipulated and positive, that would counteract negative news, so that in search engines such as Google, praiseworthy news appears better positioned than critical news. Popular accusations will request Ayuso’s statement as a witness in the trial of piece 9 of the Púnica case.

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