economy and politics

‘Agrarian reform is the way to industrialize’: Petro

'Agrarian reform is the way to industrialize': Petro

With a message to promote agrarian reform as an effective policy and a motor for the industrialization of the country, the President Gustavo Petro installed this Thursday, July 20, the sessions of the Congress of the republic.

The Head of State raised the importance of making progress in the consolidation of industrial production cooperatives, while pointing out that the best way to generate employment is the greater capacity to produce, defending the labour reform that your government proposes and that seeks to improve the conditions of Colombian workers.

(Petro says his government has ‘beat inflation’.)

He said that productivity is the way to grow, through education and competition. “The greater capacity to produce is what generates employment”, he added.

Regarding land policy, he explained that of the 7 million hectares in his government, one million have been titled. Of this total, 750,000 were delivered to indigenous people, while 175,000 have been for the peasant population.. “By having a degree, their working and productive conditions improve“, he pointed. Another 7,945 hectares have been for black communities, she added.

(‘Debate for energy transition cost me an excellent minister’).

At the beginning of his speech, the president focused his message on the Congress around reflections on the urgency of facing the climate crisis and the importance of his administration having as its objective that Colombia be “world power of life”.

In this sense, he stressed that environmental and social justice are the pillars of his policy. Regarding the first, he indicated how progress is being made in the energy transition and commented “That has been debated here, it has cost me an excellent minister (…) We inherited an unquestionable stammer, but true from the previous government that had already grasped the need for this transition”, referring to the resignation of Irene Velezwho just came out of that portfolio of Mines and Energy for alleged abuses of power.

(Gustavo Bolívar would run for mayor of Bogotá).

He added that the process of what “We are going to call energy communities, which do not need the Upme -Mine Energy Planning Unit- or the ANLA -National Authority for Environmental Licenses-, nor the previous steps of a large energy project”. He explained that this has to do with putting solar panels on any roof of any house or using spaces from any sidewalk, from any indigenous or Afro community, from any municipality to make small solar farms.

He estimated that they are achieved in 2 million homes and 6,000 hectares throughout the country, generating 6 gigawatts. In addition, he announced a bill “about mining. It is about re-establishing an alliance between small-scale mining and the State to defend the territory from war, from democratic destruction and from the destruction of water”.

Yesterday, at the start of the second legislative period, key to President Petro’s social reforms, there was expectation about the election of the presidents of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

(Petro will seek to negotiate fishing conditions with Nicaragua).

These dignities correspond, respectively, to the Green Alliance and to Game freehe and at the close of this edition a tough bid was predicted.

In the Senate there was talk of the nomination of Angélica Lozano, Inti Asprilla, Iván Name and Ariel Ávila.

(Congress and Presidency prepare for the new legislature).

Lozano had the support of the Government to succeed Alexander López. In the case of the presidency of the Chamber, the election between three liberal parliamentarians was expected: Julián Peinado, Andrés Calle and Carlos Ardila.


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