
After the end of the ‘Covid zero’, China resumes the issuance of visas

After the end of the 'Covid zero', China resumes the issuance of visas

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China has announced that it will resume issuing visas starting tomorrow, Wednesday March 15. This decision is part of the country’s reopening policy after the suspension at the beginning of the year of the sanitary restrictions, known as “Covid zero”.

With our correspondent in Beijing, Stéphane Lagarde.

This announcement by the Chinese embassies and consulates, especially in the United States and Europe, was expected by tourism professionals and companies, who for several months have been demanding this resumption of human exchanges between China and the rest of the world.

a healthy gesture

After the removal of the quarantine rules at the entrance to the country on January 8, the issuance of visas resumes, in particular for travelers from Southeast Asia.

A healthy gesture, according to Mr. Li, a guide in the Guilin region and its magnificent karst peaks, in the south of the country, who saw his income plummet during the three years of “Covid zero”: “Today we hardly have tourists foreigners here, only foreigners who work in China come from time to time.”

“In a few months”

“Visa procedures have been resumed, but for now there is no movement. With the poor political relations between China and the United States and the economic problems, I don’t expect a change for a few months,” Li says.

The authorities announced the resumption of visa-free entry for travelers from Hong Kong and Macao, who cross at Shanghai and Kuang-Dong. According to official statistics, in 2022 there were close to 116 million entries and exits, less than a fifth of those in 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic.

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