economy and politics

After 12 days out of service, CompraNet operates again

Treasury says it works to restore Compranet

“The Treasury Public Procurement Policy Unit carried out the pertinent technical tests, the integrity of the information and the verification of the complete availability of the CompraNet platform for its 100% readiness for use.” said the entity in charge of Rogelio Ramírez de la O in a statement.

CompraNet was out of service on July 19.

The Treasury added that personnel from the Mayor’s Office will be permanently monitoring the platform so that it continues to operate in optimal conditions.

“The Bravo Solution provider verified with its technical support that the expansion of the storage capacity was properly recognized to start the process of configuring the system infrastructure,” said the entity.

Last week, the Treasury said that since July 15, the federal government had carried out 214 public bidding procedures for more than 14,000 million pesos, according to the Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector (LAASSP).

What is PurchaseNet?

CompraNet is the electronic system of government public information on public procurement and is mandatory for the subjects indicated in Article 1 of the LAASSP Law and the Law of Public Works and Related Services (LOPSRM).

This system allows public institutions to carry out contracting procedures electronically, mixed or in person; bidders, suppliers or contractors have functionalities in the system that allow them to consult the contracting procedures and send their technical and economic proposals in a secure manner.

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