Science and Tech

Adobe already knows how to make companies pay for their AI: offer them support against possible copyright lawsuits

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The development of new functions and products related to artificial intelligence seems to have become one of Adobe’s priorities. The company specialized in creative solutions has announced that it will launch a monthly subscription so that companies can make use of their generative technology.

According to Bloomberg, the proposal will come under the name of ‘Adobe Firefly for enterprise’ and will offer a series of advanced advantages that will not be available to general customers. Two of the keys will be protection against copyright infringement and the ability to generate custom templates.

Adobe prepares a subscription for its generative technology

When a company accesses Adobe Firefly for enterprise, its members will be able to generate content through the generative tools present in various applications. From Adobe Firefly and Adobe Express, available through the browser, to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator from the Adobe Creative Cloud suite.

Since Adobe decided to enter the generative AI race, it has said that its models are created “responsibly.” The company, everything seems to indicate, wants to avoid entering into the controversy related to copyright and remain at the epicenter of lawsuits to violate intellectual property, a hot topic in the industry.

Remember that many popular generative applications, such as OpenAI’s DALL·E, work with copyright-protected images. Adobe has decided to cover its ass. As? The signature ensures that Firefly works with open licensed contentpublic domain content and content whose copyright has expired.

At Adobe they are so sure of this that they ensure that their tools “do not generate content based on the intellectual property of other people or brands.” Even if someone accuses one of its users of copyright infringement, the firm says it will file a legal response in court and bear the costs of the lawsuit, says Ashley Still, head of Adobe Creative Cloud.

This new professional proposal, explains The Vergewill also allow companies to use Adobe technology to train a personalized and tailor-made model. It is an alternative that aims to take advantage of all those pieces that have been previously designed to feed this new artificial intelligence tool.

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It should be noted that the price of the Adobe Firefly for enterprise subscription has not yet been defined, although it will vary according to the needs of each company. On the other hand, there is no release date announced either, although this proposal is expected to be released after Adobe Firefly leaves the beta version.

Images: Adobe | press kit

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