Throughout the Fate franchise, seven pairs of masters and spirits, also known as servants, have clashed in a series of Holy Grail Wars, with the winning duo receiving an ancient artifact that grants wishes. Fate/Samurai Remnant is set in the fourth year of the Keian Era, in Japan during the Edo period. Several decades have passed since the end of a difficult time, and while the town finally enjoys peace and quiet, a new battle between seven pairs of masters and spirits is about to begin.
This is where our protagonist comes in, Miyamoto Iori, a young man from Asakusa who is caught up in the war with his servant Saber, as they fight in the Ritual of the Crescent Moon to be the last couple left to receive the Moon Vessel. Crescent, the object that grants wishes.
In Fate/Samurai Remnant, players take on the role of Miyamoto Iori, a master who studied the Niten Ichiryu style of swordsmanship. Iori fights alongside Saber, a servant who possesses strength greater than that of humans. When facing enemies outside of human control, players will be able to command their servant to attack with magical techniques. It will also be possible to take direct control of the spirit. The combats feature minion battle scenes that are a “must have for fans of the series,” says Koei Tecmo.
Throughout the campaign and while following the Crescent Moon Ritual, players will have the opportunity to explore the city of Edo, with its row houses, samurai residences, and brothels. In the skin of Iori, the possibility of interacting with the various characters in the city will open up, visit different areas and face challenges while fighting in the war for the Holy Grail.
Fate/Samurai Remnant will be available in a standard and special Tresaure Box edition, which for 119 euros includes an art book, a B2-size fabric poster, a disc with the original soundtrack, spell stickers, an additional costume downloadable, the official translation book of short stories from the story and a collectible box.