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A young man takes his mother to court for throwing away his Attack on Titan manga collection

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This curious story has occurred in Taiwan, but it is universal. The eternal struggle between the son who wants to keep everything, and the mother who only wants him to clean his room and throw old things in the trash. Normally it ends in an argument, but here it ended with the son taking the mother to court.

According to the local media CTIin Chiayi City, Taiwan, a 64-year-old mother threw away the complete 32-volume collection of the popular Japanese manga Attack on Titanwhich his 20-year-old son had collected for years.

Upon discovering what his mother had done, the young man otaku He got so angry that he directly called the police. When the agents arrived, far from calming down, filed a complaint against his mother. The trial has been held, and we already have a sentence.

The son who denounces his mother for some comics

Attack on Titan It is one of the most successful Japanese mangas of recent years. It also has its own television series, video games, etc.

The young victim not only denounced her mother: she also stopped speaking to her. During the trial, the boy explained to the judge that the sleeves of Attack on Titan They are very popular, and therefore difficult to obtain, especially the first volumes.

Getting them back was almost impossibleunless you spent a huge amount of money, which you didn’t have:

He also alleged that His mother had no right to throw away his things.since he did it without telling you.

The woman explained that Your son accumulates so many sleeves that they almost don’t fit in the room.. It was noted that the volumes of Attack on Titan They were “a little old and yellowed,” so he decided to throw them away “for recycling.”

He also expressed, during the trial, his desire to reconcile with his sonwho had withdrawn the word from him, something he did not understand.

The trial has been held these days, and we already have a sentence. The mother obsessed with cleanliness She has been sentenced to pay her son 5,000 Taiwanese dollars, about 141 euros.for property damage. Sentence that can be commuted to community service.

The sentence also ensures that “her lack of respect for her son’s property rights was inappropriate.”

From what it seems, the moral victory has not been enough for the son, since those 140 euros are not going to help him recover his collection of manga sleeves. Attack on Titan. He still hasn’t spoken to his mother.

It is a drama as old as the world, which occurs in all countries and cultures. The mother who throws her son’s things in the trash because she accumulates them. But it is the first time that we see that the incident ends in judgment with sentence.

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Tags: Comics, Viral, Japan, Curiosities

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