Science and Tech

A spectacular free fall video from the tallest skyscraper on the planet

The tallest trees in the world

Drones are changing the art of photography and video recording. This amazing footage from drone expert André Larsen proves it.

With its 828 meters high, the Burj Khalifain Dubai, is the tallest skyscraper in the world, by a wide difference. Take 150 meters to the second. And now we can see it from a unique perspective: video of a drone in free fall from the top to the ground. Spectacular!

The impressive document is the work of expert drone videographer Andre Larsenwhich as he himself confesses, recording with drones in the Burj Khalifa, is his daily job.

The video begins with the drone at the top of the tower, and we see how it falls while recording everything around it. Do not miss it because it is spectacular:

The city of Dubai is so idyllic and perfect, that it seems a video game city. At times the video gives the impression that it has been created by computer. But it is completely real.

This is not a simple plummet. The drone carries out a choreography planned to the millimeter, to fly around the building as it falls, and at the same time capture fragments of the city.

Burj Khalifa, the myth

A unique view of tallest building in the world, which leaves you speechless. The Burj Khalifa it took 6 years to build, and cost more than 20 billion dollars, including the tourist complex around it. It opened in 2010.

During its construction, its height was kept secret.. At first it was thought that he would settle for being the tallest, for which he only needed to exceed 500 meters. That’s why he surprised everyone when he reached the 828 meters. It was a good decision, because in the following years up to 11 skyscrapers exceeded 500 meters in height, and 3 exceeded 600 meters. But none have come close to the Burj Khalifa throne.

Hyperion, the tallest tree in the world whose location is a secret

Unfortunately we know almost nothing, at a technical level, about the making of this video, since Andre Larsen it never offers data.

We know it’s recorded with a drone equipped with a GoPro camerabecause the video won the GoPro $1 Million Challenge. But nothing else.

If you want to know more about this videographer, he has more spectacular videos at his YouTube channel.

surprising that this video of a drone in free fall since the tallest skyscraper in the worldthe Burj Khalifa, only have 28,000 views. It is one of the most spectacular and unique we have seen in a long time.

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