
A prominent Mozambican opponent blames the police for the murders of his advisor and another political ally

A prominent Mozambican opponent blames the police for the murders of his advisor and another political ally


The opposition politician and candidate for the Presidency of Mozambique, Venancio Mondlane, has blamed the security forces of the African country for the murders, on the night of Friday to Saturday, of his advisor Elvino Dias, the representative of his Optimist Party for Development. of Mozambique ( Podemos ), Paulo Guambe, both shot dead in the country’s capital, Maputo.

Mondlande has denounced episodes of persecution by the Government and electoral fraud in the October 9 elections in favor of the historic Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (Frelimo), which has been at the head of the country for almost half a century, since independence, and has in the country’s outgoing president, Filipe Nyusi, to its greatest exponent.

The highest electoral body has until October 24 to publish the final results. Polls show Nyusi’s chosen successor, Daniel Chapo, as the possible winner, but Mondlane and his supporters are convinced that the opponent has won the elections.

“It is clear that it was the Defense and Security Forces that perpetrated this crime,” according to statements by Mondlande, who pointed out the agents of the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) and the State Information and Security Service (SISE) of keep the bullet casings from the weapons used and seize the witnesses’ mobile phones.

The Police, for their part, have indicated in recent hours that one of the main lines of investigation seems to be a “couple argument” that involved Dias and Guambe minutes before in the capital’s main market. The security forces understand that Dias and Guambe, along with a third person, a woman who was traveling in their car and who was injured, were scolded and then chased.

Chapo, for his part, has described what happened as an “attack on democracy” and demanded a full investigation on behalf of Frelimo. “I know that this is a moment of great sadness so that this tragic incident does not divert us from building a more just and inclusive nation, where life and human dignity are always respected,” he indicated.

“I would like to urge the justice institutions to carry out a prompt, impartial, independent and rigorous investigation, with the aim of establishing the facts and holding the perpetrators accountable. Justice must be done,” he added in a statement collected by the newspaper ‘Carta de Mozambique’.

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