
A player bought Smash Bros. for Wii and received this big surprise

This was the unexpected user purchase

Games in digital format continue to increase their reach and it is increasingly difficult to get physical jewels. However, gamers still have the chance to find their favorite titles in thrift stores to complete their collection. It is because of this that a case in which a fan bought Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii and was met with a tremendous surprise in the box.

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As you surely know, buying used games involves a tremendous risk and there is no telling if the expense will be worth it or not. The acquisition may not be original or even be in poor condition, causing some anger.

However, there are cases in which everything goes well and even better than expected. A good example is what happened to Reddit user ElDabstroyero, who claims to have gone to a retro game store to buy Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Best of all, when he got to her house and opened the title box, he got a huge surprise: there were 2 more games in it.

Here you can see it:

This was the unexpected user purchase

As you could see, the lucky gamer discovered that, in addition to his copy of Super Smash Bros. for Wiithere was one of Super Mario Galaxy and another of New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

If you think that’s a lot of luck, let us tell you that all 3 games for Nintendo’s popular console were obtained for only $2.99 ​​USD (approximately $55 MXN), making the bundle a real bargain.

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It is worth mentioning that Reddit users congratulated the lucky gamer and wished him happy hours of gaming. Although others wanted to go further and try to find out how the other titles got to the same box, so they argued that perhaps the mother of the previous owner wanted to punish her son excessively.

What do you think of this story? Has something similar happened to you? Tell us in the comments.

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