
A “massive attack” on a high-speed car throws France into chaos on the opening day of the Olympics

A "massive attack" on a high-speed car throws France into chaos on the opening day of the Olympics

Frania has suffered this Friday “a massive and coordinated attack” against the entire high-speed train network of the country and that already affects three of the four lines in Paris, fully immersed in the celebration of the Olympic Games.

There is total chaos throughout the railway network, especially in the capital, and More than 800,000 travelers have been affectedThe problems, which will last all weekend, occur on the day of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games and on key days for people leaving and returning from vacation.

The sabotages have consisted of fires in power cable ducts for signaling and communications. This suggests that the authors, in addition to coordinated, have technical knowledge. At the moment There is no claim of authorship of these actions.

According to the French national railway company (SNCF), a “large number of trains” have been cancelled or diverted, while many others “have been turned around”.

The affected lines are those of the northern axes (which also include TGVs to London, Brussels, Amsterdam and Germany), west (Brittany, Bordeaux) and this (Strasbourg, Frankfurt). The fourth high-speed line from Paris, the south-east (Lyon, Marseille), has been saved because an attempt to sabotage the line “was foiled”.

The Nord, Est and Montparnasse stations have been particularly affected, with thousands of passengers stuck since morning.

More security at stations

“Last night, coordinated malicious acts occurred affecting several TGV lines and will seriously disrupt traffic “until this weekend. I strongly condemn these criminal actions which will affect the holiday outings of many French people,” said the Minister of Transport on Friday, Patrice Vergriete.

The prefect of Paris, Laurent Nunezhas announced that police reinforcements will be sent to the capital’s main train stations to ensure the security of the facilities.

For his part, the president of SNCF, Jean Pierre Farandou, He described the sabotage as “an attack on France and the French.” In a statement, he explained that the repair work was very delicate, since the fires affected pipelines with up to 500 electrical and fiber optic cables. “You have to repair cable by cable, it’s almost a goldsmith’s job.”

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