
A Kenyan court refuses to stop protests called by the opposition

July 18 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Nairobi High Court has refused to stop the demonstrations called by the Kenyan opposition, which have resulted in the deaths of at least 23 people in recent days, according to data provided by the United Nations Human Rights Office.

The opposition coalition Azimio has called for marches for this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, protests that were denounced by blogger Martin Gitau, alleging that they are “illegal” and are intended to cause destruction.

“Unless this honorable court intervenes, the petitioner fears that the defendants herein will proceed in their illegal course of illegal and violent protests, to the detriment of the majority of law-abiding citizens who deserve to continue their daily activities,” the attorney said. from Gitau, Adrian Kamotho Njenga, according to the Kenyan Citizen Digital portal.

The judge has refused to issue the warrants and has set the case for the end of September. The blogger has targeted Amizio leader Raila Odinga and former president Uhuru Kenyatta, who will have to appear before the magistrate.

Protests in recent days called by opposition leader Raila Odinga have rocked the capital, Nairobi, and other cities in the country, amid harsh repression by Kenyan security forces. Demonstrators protest the increase in fuel taxes.

Odinga himself said that “the nationwide protests are a clear message to the regime of (Kenyan President William) Ruto.” “The message is loud and clear: Kenyans are tired,” he said, before adding that “no one will move until Ruto shows a willingness to listen and respect” Kenyans.

Odinga, who was prime minister between 2008 and 2013 and who rejected Ruto’s victory in the August 2022 elections – which he ran with the support of the outgoing president, Uhuru Kenyatta -, made an appeal at the end of June to a campaign of civil disobedience against the increase in fuel taxes.

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