
A group of environmental activists blockade a private flight terminal in Vienna

A group of environmental activists blockade a private flight terminal in Vienna

A group of activists in defense of the climate has blocked this Sunday Road access to a private terminal at Vienna Airport. The action is part of a series of protests against the holding, starting tomorrow, in the Austrian capital of a conference of gas companies and operators.

The activists, belonging to the BlockGas platform, denounced that while “lobbyists, investors and managers” travel to Vienna in private jets for the conference, “countless people cannot pay the gas bill.” The police have reported that about 13 people stuck to the road pavement to block traffic, which was diverted to an alternative route.

For this reason, the activists were not evicted and ended up leaving the blockade some time later, and will be denounced for violating the law that regulates demonstrations. On Saturday there were already some 30 people, according to the Police, blocking a bridge over the Danube canal that runs through the center of Vienna. They dyed the water green with a product that they assured was biological and completely harmless.

The main protest is expected tomorrow, when the European Gas Conference begins in Vienna. A gas industry meeting where, according to their website, the security of the supply of this fuel to Europe will be discussed. The activists, for their part, accuse the conference of being an attempt to “wash face” of the gas.

“Here in Vienna, behind closed doors, the gas lobby wants to impose once again its destructive interests of fossil fuels”, said Anselm Schindler, spokesperson for BlockGas. This platform is an association of groups from different European countries that claims to fight “for climate justice and social justice”, in the style of Extinction Rebellion or Fridays For Future.

[Científicos tiñen de ‘sangre’ el Congreso y reclaman medidas climáticas urgentes entre gritos y arrestos]

This group has announced different protests, with activists from all over Europe, to try to block the holding of the conference. It is held from Monday to Wednesday in a hotel whose name has not been revealed and to which the media will not have access. The protest is yet another of those that different groups of activists are carrying out in some parts of the planet to raise awareness about climate change and complain about the use of fossil energy.

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