economy and politics

A financial advisory project with a gender perspective is born in France

A financial advisory project with a gender perspective is born in France

First modification:

Only 18% of women invest regularly despite the fact that the economic resources available to them amount to billions of euros. If a part of that sum was invested in its own financial projects, the economy would grow much more. That is the conclusion of the president of the RYSE company, which has been given for the purpose of building bridges between women and the world of financial institutions.

The initiative is based on a triple verification. “Only 18% of women invest while men invest in a much higher amount. Many women have asked me for advice on investing. What was needed is that these two worlds, women and the institutions of the world of finance, come together “, says Paloma Castro, director of the company RYSE.

Raising funds in the form of crowdfunding, where anyone can invest, the group wants to start operating throughout the European Union at the end of this year and venture into new geographical areas by 2024. By then they estimate to be able to raise 4 million euros.

Castro specifies that there are 30 criteria proposed by the women they have consulted. These are the criteria they use to be able to grant a ‘label’ to any financial agent who wants to join the project. It is about advising women, taking advantage of the fact that RYSE “also gives advice to financial institutions so that they can reach more and more women.” These criteria include trust, sustainability, transparency and the social impact of the projects.

Most women do not invest, they prefer to save when they manage to have resources. This is the trend that the project seeks to reverse. “Our commitment is that by 2025, one percent more women invest,” says Paloma, an optimist, for whom the risks of a financial investment compensate the loss of part of the savings due to inflation.

“A woman has to be very clear that when she saves, a part of it is lost. Take a risk,” says the director.

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