economy and politics

A complete success: the 2023 Regional Water Dialogues organized by ECLAC had a high turnout and managed to establish a Water Action Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean

The 2023 Regional Water Dialogues were held between February 1 and 3 at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago, Chile. The event had a hybrid character, and was widely attended, including more than 2,000 people registered online and 200 in-person attendees. In total, there were representatives from more than 30 countries in the region, including people from South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

The objectives of the event were 1) to communicate and consolidate the commitments acquired to accelerate the implementation of SDG 6 in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 2) to exchange experiences and lessons learned for the fulfillment of the same SDGs. As a result of this event, a Regional Action Agenda for Water was obtained that highlights the main commitments and courses of action that LAC countries must follow to accelerate the implementation of SDG 6. The above, based on a sustainable and inclusive.

The event had almost 80 panelists of the highest level, where the presence of the Vice President of El Salvador, Mr. FĂ©lix Ulloa, stands out, as well as ministers and vice ministers of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Trinidad and Tobago. The Dialogues were structured around seven intervention panels. Here, prominent representatives of the world of water at an international level also participated, coming from non-governmental organizations, banks and academia.

A technical conference was also held under the auspices of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, inaugurated by the country’s ambassador in Chile. This day had the participation of more than 20 personalities from the world of water, among which indigenous representatives, Afro-descendants, and the voice of girls, boys and young people can be highlighted.

Likewise, during the dialogues the LAC Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability (ROSA) was launched, promoted by ECLAC and the five pilot countries of the project. In this regard, the countries expressed their usefulness and desire to participate in the project.

The final result of the Dialogues is reflected in the Regional Water Action Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean, which includes the main points of each of the panels. During its reading, some comments were made in order to effectively include all the voices in the room, which is why the document is currently being updated to include them. For this reason, the event constitutes a precedent in the region that will serve as a boost to accelerate compliance with SDG 6 and as an input for the 2023 Water Conference.

For more information about the panels and exhibitors, you can discharge the event schedule.

Additionally, access to all the presentations and the Regional Agenda for Action for Water presented, is in this link.

Finally, we invite you to view and share the daily videos of the event at the following links:

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