May 19. (Portaltic/EP) –
some subscribers to Playstation Plus (PS Plus) have notified the receipt of a communication in which the platform informs that the game they are currently playing will expire 15 minutes after receiving this message.
Users of platforms and forums such as Reddit, resetter and NeoGaf have alerted that, when accessing their paid subscription for the PlayStation console, they have experienced interruptions in the service, which continually moved them to the home screen.
Specifically, they have received a notification that the game or application opened from PS Plus at that moment will expire in 15 minutes. After that time, the game it closes automatically.
From Reddit They initially pointed out that this problem affected only free games integrated into the PS Plus platform, but that it had later spread to more titles, already paid.
“After 15 minutesthe system will open the main menu but will not close the game”, commented one of the users, identified as syizm, who indicated that, despite this interruption, the system does not close the game, but rather it can be resumed from the main menu.
Another of those affected has commented that he has seen this alert every 30 minutes while playing the title Ratchet & Clank and that, despite checking the game license and the internet connection, it has not been able to solve it.
syizm, for its part, has shared an update dated this Thursday in which it noted that this issue appears to have been resolved. The company, for its part, this error has not been echoed.