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A brewing expert reveals on TikTok the difference between special, extra and normal beer

AI Beer

In the market you can find a wide variety of beers, from the most popular ones such as Mahou, Estrella Galicia or Cruzcampo, to craft or imported beers.

Each of them has unique characteristics, and if you are a lover of this drink, you will surely have noticed that some of the labels include terms such as special, extra or just normal.

These indications are not there by chance, but are part of the regulations to inform the consumer about the characteristics of the product you are purchasing.

A beer expert has decided to clear up all doubts in a TikTok video, clearly explaining the differences between these categories and why some beers have this distinctive.

What does it mean for a beer to be special or extra?

According to the expert, these labels have a very precise explanation, related to the process of brewing. Behind these terms are criteria that determine the quality, flavor and intensity of each type of beer.

To better understand these differences, it is necessary to understand a key concept in the beer world: the Primitive Dry Extract (ESP). It refers to the amount of grain and hops contained in the brewing wort before fermentation..

Basically, this data indicates the concentration of the ingredients that make up the beer, and depending on their percentage, it can be classified as normal, special or extra. For example, if the wort is 90% water, its ESP is 10%, indicating that the beer is light.

In this case, If it has less than 13% ESP, it is considered a normal beer, the most common on the market. However, if the ESP is between 13% and 15%, we are already talking about a special beer, which usually has a more intense flavor, with a greater presence of hops and malt.

Finally, If the ESP exceeds 15%, you are looking at an extra beerwhich is the one with the highest concentration and, generally, the most complete in terms of flavor, body and alcohol content. They have a much more marked character and are usually preferred by the most demanding palates.

So the next time you see a label with the word special or extra, you will already know that it is not just an advertising slogan on beer, but a guarantee of quality based on the amount of dry extract contained in the product.

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